Competition Formats
IASCA’s competition formats cater to all types of car audio enthusiasts. Each has its focus on IASCA members focus on crystal clear sound quality, impressive bass performance, or masterfully crafted custom installations.. there is a competition format that fits your style.
Sound Quality / SQ
IASCA’S SQ Challenge centers on quality of sound, clarity, definition and soundstage. All of the SQ formats are the components that make ujp an ideal automotive audio solution, exhibiting excellent engineering, design and craftsmanship.

Sound Quality Challenge
The main premise, is a real world application where the car is being used as the listening source to the music.
The main criteria assesses how realistic, natural and dynamic the system performs.

Installation Qualty Challenge
The quality of installation to audio and related components in four main criteria; Safety, Integrity, Integration and Craftsmanship.

Real Time Analysis &
High Sound Pressure Level
The RTA/SPL Challenge shows how well a sound system performs across all frequency ranges through the sound spectrum, as well as at higher output levels.
The RTA evaluation, analyzes how well a system reproduces all frequency levels in the sound spectrum.
The SPL evaluation analyzes how well a system performs at loud volumes with music only; no test tones or sweeps, the measurements are taken using full range sound at high output levels.

Triple Crown
The IASCA Triple Crown is the pinnacle of IASCA Sound Quality competition, it ranks the overall best sounding, best built and best performing system of the event.
It is a single award for competitors who enter all three of the sound related formats (SQC, IQC, RTA/SPL Challenge).
The Triple Crown rewards the competitor who overall, is the best system designer, tuner, and installer.
Competition Formats
IASCA’s competit there is a competition format that fits your style.
Sound Pressure Level / SPL
IASCA has two SPL or Sound Pressure Level formats.
BASS BOXING uses full range music as the main judging criteria with evaluation of the quality of sound from outside the vehicle.
IdBL allows the competitor to enter format classes dependent on the total woofer surface area and compete for highest SPL using a club sanctioned dB meter.
Competition Formats
IASCA’s competition formats cater to all types of car audio enthusiasts. Each has its own specific focus, and one that fits your style.
Car Show / CS
IASCA has three Car Show formats:
TunerJam is a “Show & Shine” competition format using IASCA rules to eliminate gray areas between which is considered “Mild” and “Wild.” Scoring is based on the scope and quality of the modifications the work that is performed, not just “how it looks.”
NiteGlow evaluates the competitor’s vehicle accent lighting in both interior and exterior applications. Innovation and quality of implementation wins here.
MACS allows newcomers to experience competition at a level that allows them to compete, learn and improve at a pace that's comfortable.